Thursday, 31 March 2011

31st March 2011

Traditionally March is supposed to roar in like a lion and go out like a lamb, unfortunately March 2011 doesn't seem to have read the rule book and the wind this afternoon was blowing about our daffodils in the pots at the front of the house, hence why today's photo is slightly blurry!

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

30 March 2011

Shepherd's pie takes a bit of effort to make but made in advance it makes for a simple dinner as you can just stick in the oven and leave it to re-heat whilst you get on with other things or as was my case this evening have a nap!

29th March 2011

Today my boss gave me my ten-year long-service loyalty award pin badge. I've actually been at my company for over 12 years but they've only just introduced the ten-year award and so they're giving them out retrospectively to people with between ten and twenty years service.

28th March 2011

Last week Mr W bought me the first three books in the Twilight series - the books look lovely with sleek cover illustrations and red edging on the pages, but I wasn't sure they would be my cup of tea. Happily though I was wrong and less than a week later I'm already half-way through the first book!

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

27th March 2011

Mr W bought me some flowers yesterday but they weren't fully blooming - they are now though and they look lovely in our lounge!

Sunday, 27 March 2011

26th March 2011

This afternoon I had my haircut at our local hairdressers, the name of which always entertains Mr W...

Friday, 25 March 2011

25th March 2011

I had the day off work today and so I went on a little shopping trip to Bromley. I didn't spend much in the end but I was amused by this marker post in the shopping street reminding me that I was a long way from work! :)

Thursday, 24 March 2011

24th March 2011

One of the best things about spring is that the days get longer and it's still light when I'm on my way home meaning that you get a nice view down the Thames from Cannon Street station, provided of course there are no trains in the way!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

23rd March 2011

Last week one of our running friends asked on Facebook for jokes for her 12-year old daughter and her friends to judge at her birthday party at the weekend. Amazingly my joke was their favourite and tonight they dropped round my prize - a Comic Relief Giggler!

And in case you were wondering, here's my winning joke:
'Why did the crab blush?
Because the sea weed.'

22nd March 2011

My kitchen timer is very useful, unfortunately as I discovered today when I was cooking my pasta for dinner it's a not a lot of use if you don't actually press the start button! I ended up having to guess how long it needed to cook...

21st March 2011

I'm a sucker for Easter-themed confectionery so when I spotted these chocolate lambs in the supermarket when I stopped off to buy some rolls on the way home I couldn't resist them!

Sunday, 20 March 2011

20th March 2011

We have a plan to decorate our bedroom - we've bought the paint and I've been thinking it would be nice to have a feature wall using this wallpaper. However when I went to the shop today to buy said wallpaper I panicked at a) the cost, and more importantly b) how we were actually going to hang it. Even though it's the type where you can paste the wall rather than the paper as I was picking up the rolls in the shop it suddenly dawned on me that we'd still need to deal with all the traumas such as getting it straight, lining-up the pattern and cutting it to size, so they went rapidly back on the shelf. I'm now thinking that a painted feature wall would be much simpler!!

Saturday, 19 March 2011

19th March 2011

Orchids are amazing plants. Just a few months ago this was a sad stump and now it is blooming merrily on our bedroom windowsill in the sunshine!

18th March 2011

Very naughty, but tonight we decided for a treat to have a takeaway from our local Indian restaurant...

Thursday, 17 March 2011

17th March 2011

We got another postcard from my parents today - it arrived a bit quicker than their previous cards from New Zealand North Island but it still came with a odd sticker on the front indicating that it had come via Darussalam.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

16th March 2011

Today we had a work team day on HMS Belfast, sadly though there wasn't enough time between presentations to explore this old World War II battleship.

15th March 2011

Today I had an appointment up at the ophthalmology department at our local hospital. I've been there a couple of times before and I am always tickled by these pictures on the wall in which all the subjects have glasses with real lenses!

Monday, 14 March 2011

14th March 2011

I may have mentioned before that Mr W likes his gadgets and today he came home from work with a new one - he has bought a mini video camera, which I presume he intends to use on his tube-running adventures.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

13th March 2011

At the risk of sounding obsessed with laundry - our neighbour's washing line brought a smile to my face this morning. It's obviously their turn to wash the team kit and I just love the way all the items are hung up so neatly together in colour order!

Saturday, 12 March 2011

12th March 2011

The sun was shining today and it wasn't bitterly cold, so I was actually able to hang out some washing in the garden for the first time this year.

Friday, 11 March 2011

11th March 2011

I went further today than I've been all week - all the way to London Bridge to go and get a blood test from the hospital next door. Made a change to get out of the house for a while!

10th March 2011

Oh the embarrassment! I was having a rather lazy morning today and somehow or other it was midday before I got round to taking a shower. I can see you thinking, well that's not great but hardly embarrassing - well unfortunately just as I stepped out of the shower the doorbell went. I couldn't see anyone through the window so I snuck downstairs and opened the door a crack just as the meter reading man was leaving a card through door. I explained that now was not a good time and scuttled back upstairs whence-forth I realised that as well as having just opened the door dressed in a towel I was also still wearing my pink piggy shower cap!!

9th March 2011

I had a hospital appointment this afternoon and noticed this rather sweet poem on the wall whilst I was waiting...

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

8th March 2011

Our 2011 Census Form arrived yesterday. Now we just need to fill it in and send it back.

Monday, 7 March 2011

7th March 2011

At the weekend Mr W suggested that maybe we should cut down the bush at the bottom of the garden as it had been somewhat squashed by the winter snow and was rather unruly. 'That's an idea', I said and lo and behold when I looked in the garden this afternoon it appears that he's taken me at my word and all that's left now is a stump of wood!

Sunday, 6 March 2011

6th March 2011

I've been a bit of a hermit the last couple of days barely moving from the sofa, the furthest I went today was to the postbox just down the road to post a couple of letters.

5th March 2011

This afternoon I spotted the first daffodils of the season blooming in our garden!

Friday, 4 March 2011

4th March 2011

The sun was shining this afternoon and turned my specs into sunglasses mode! Is this another sign that spring has sprung?!

3rd March 2011

Nice surprise today when a parcel arrived from Amazon containing a couple of cookbooks - our friends had ordered them for us after we were eyeing up their copies when we visited them at the weekend.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

2nd March 2011

Feeling a little lazy this evening so we just had a frozen pizza and salad for tea, but at least we had the right serving implements for it!

1st March 2011

We are a household that likes our novelty slippers - Mr W has had his gorilla slippers for a couple of years now and I got my mice last Christmas. Mine are probably more practical for walking round the house in, but Mr W's are very snuggly when it's cold!